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47 Frequently Misspelled Words in English and Mnemonic Devices (Memory Aids)

Frequently Misspelled Words in English & Memory Aids

WritingSkills.web.id - Below is the list of some words in English that are commonly misspelled and some mnemonic devices (memory aids) that will help you spell them correctly.

47 Frequently Misspelled Words & The Mnemonic Devices (Memory Aids)

1. "accidentally"
• Memory aids: keep a "tally" in "accidentally".

2. "accommodate"
• Mnemonic devices: accommodate "accommodates" 2 c's and 2 m's

3. "acknowledgment"
• Memory aids: Think "GM"

4. "already"
• Mnemonic devices: not "All ready"

5. "appearance"
• Memory aids: put a "pear" in appearance"

6. "attorney"
• Mnemonic devices: put a "torn in atTORNey

7. "authoritative"
• Memory aids: take the "rat" out of "authoritative"

8. "bargain"
• Mnemonic devices: You "gain" when you bargain

9. "beginning"
• Memory aids: think "beg-inning"

10. "benefited"
• Mnemonic devices: keep "fit" in "benefited"

11. "calendar"
• Memory aids: put "lend" in "caLENDar"

12. "canceled"
• Mnemonic devices: cancel the second "l" in "canceled"

13. "committee"
• Memory aids: "committee" is made up of 2 "m's", 2 "t's," and 2 "e's"

14. "controversy"
• Mnemonic devices: put a second "O" in contrOversy

15. "describe"
• Memory aids: 2 "e's" on "describe"

16. "develop"
• Mnemonic devices: no final "e" in "develop"

17. "disappoint"
• Memory aids: if you use 2 "p's" you’ll never "disaPPoint"

18. "embarrass"
• Mnemonic devices: 2 "r's" and 2 "s's"

19. "endeavor"
• Memory aids: endeavor to put an "a" in "endeavor"

20. "environment"
• Mnemonic devices: don't forget the second "n" in "enviroNment"

21. "exercise"
• Memory aids: sound it out "ex-er-cise"

22. "familiar"
• Mnemonic devices: "familiar" has 2 "I's"

23. "February"
• Memory aids: put the "br" in FeBRuary

24. "foreign"
• Mnemonic devices: foreign rulers "reign"

25. "guarantee"
• Memory aids: a "U" in guarantee suits you to a tee

26. "immediately"
• Mnemonic devices: immediate + ly

27. "its"
• Memory aids: 
- "its" for possessive
- "it's" for contracting "it" + "is"

28. "judgment"
• Mnemonic devices: 1 "e" in "judgment"

29. "manageability"
• Memory aids: manage/ability

30. "noticeable"
• Mnemonic devices: there's no "cable" in noticEable"

31. "occasion"
• Memory aids: every "oCCasion" has 2 "c's"

32. "occurred"
• Mnemonic devices: two "c's" and two "r's" in "occurred"

33. "omission"
• Memory aids: o + mission

34. "preferred"
• Mnemonic devices: two "r's" is "prefeRRed"

35. "privilege"
• Memory aids: no "ledge: in "priviLEGE"

36. "questionnaire"
• Mnemonic devices: two "n's" in "questioNNaire"

37. "receive"
• Memory aids: "i" before "e" EXCEPT AFTER "c"

38. "renown"
• Mnemonic devices: Kick the "k" out of "renown"

39. "separate"
• Memory aids: there’s no "per" in "sePARate"

40. "stationary"
• Mnemonic devices : 
- you gEt stationEry at a store
- you stAy "stationAry" in your seat

41. "supersede"
• Memory aids: "superSEDE" not "CEDE"

42. "they're/their"
• Mnemonic devices: "they're" (they are) certain of "their" knowledge

43. "unnecessary"
• Memory aids: think "un-necessary"

44. "until"
• Mnemonic devices: u-n-t-i-l = five letters

45. "Wednesday"
• Memory aids: forget pronunciation think WED-NES-Day

46. "whether/weather"
• Mnemonic devices : 
- "wHether" implies hesitation
- "wEather" makes you wet

47. "write/written"
• Memory aids: 
- "write" has one "t"
- "written" has two

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